Thank you all so much for coming, 8 ran for Chiltern, 5 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 9 for St Patrick’s Tigers, 5 for Grace Church Dulwich, 1 for Selsdon Baptist Church, 1 for Croydon Jubilee Church, and 4 for the Salvation Army – 33 runners in total, and one non-running volunteer.

Photo credits to Sue Gray & Kerena Ivens. Well done to Ken Wright (assisted by Winnie) who was barcode scanning to help the local team out. The non-running volunteers are really essential to us, and appreciated. Also a big thank you to Andy Crossley who stood in for me to take the lead in my absence. In all 425 people ran Crystal Palace parkrun that day, and we were spread from position 3 to position 424! It was great so many of you tried out this new venue.

Scores for those who like such things, as follows;
1st St Patrick’s Tigers 19 points
2nd Chiltern Church Runners 12 points
3rd Holy Trinity Wallington 8 points
4th Grace Church Dulwich 7 points
5th The Salvation Army 4 points
Joint 6th Selsdon Baptist Church and Croydon Jubilee Church
Just for the record Buzz the dog, did not score!

Next Mob match 20th July at Roundshaw Downs so get that one into your calendar! It’s also the Roundshaw anniversary, and my 500th parkrun – so hoping for a good turn out.
Within the churches (GDPR permission given, or listed under club name);

Not an exhaustive list but course PBs for; Scott Worsfold, Simon Pavey, Kerena Ivens, Pui Sai Tam, & Ching Lui
Great running folks.
First Timers to Crystal Palace include; Malachai Barnett, James Widdows, Mark Constantinou, Nathaniel Widdows, Matthew Paryag, Bruce & Catherine Gardiner, Cindy Woo, Ian Smith, Wilfred Yung, Darren Millings, Phil Longster, Dapo Oluwa-Dahunsi, Andy Crossley, Allan Kuhar, & Geoff Nunn.
Good to see us spreading the word.
And, as ever, a few photos for you to see;