Roundshaw Inter-Church Mob Match (Jul 2024)

A cracking day with beautiful weather and an amazing turn out – over 100 runners, and 3 additional volunteers, along with several spectators, and single lap runners from the Churches as well. Easily our biggest event since Roundshaw 2019 pre-pandemic.

If you look separately here you will be able to see all our individual participants.

However for the teams we have…

Church ClubParticipantsScore
Chiltern Church Runners4653 pts
Springfield Springers913 pts
Good Shepherd1313 pts
St Patrick’s Tigers811 pts
Holy Trinity Wallington910 pts
The Salvation Army68 pts
Selsdon Baptist Church77 pts
Christ Church Purley14 pts
Jubilee Church Croydon33 pts
Sutton Christan Centre11 pt
Christian Runners UK11 pt

A special mention here to the Fountain of Life Church Ashill who did run today, but chose to do so under another club’s banner – welcome!
So that’s 11 or 12 Churches, an excellent turn out.

Of the teams who have run all 3 events (Virtual / Crystal Palace / Roundshaw) the scores so far are;

Church ClubScore
Chiltern Church Runners17 pts
St Patrick’s Tigers13 pts
The Salvation Army11 pts
Holy Trinity Wallington10 pts
Selsdon Baptist Church9 pts
Croydon Jubilee Church5 pts

So all to play for at Lloyd parkrun in the Autumn – 12th October.

I do note a couple of teams did claim more runners, but without them being signed to your club, or signing a GDPR disclaimer to be named, we regret we cannot include them.

A few St Patrick’s Tigers;

Individual front runners

Adam Hudson (Good Shepherd)
Ashley Pate (Chiltern Church Runners)
Christopher Ironside (Springfield Church Springers)

Please note some of the juniors were quicker than the seniors!

Junior Males
Malachai Barnett (St Patrick’s Tigers)
Keiran Pate (Chiltern Church Runners)
Matthew Gray (Chiltern Church Runners)
Junior Females
Lucy Cole (Springfield Church Springers)
Sophia Lunn (Chiltern Church Runners)
Zoe Siu (Holy Trinity Wallington)
Rowena Francis (Christ Church Purley Runners)
Apryl Hammett (The Salvation Army)
Cindy Woo (Holy Trinity Wallington)


A special 200 up for CCR runner David Lunn, well done sir. An official parkrun milestone for Matthew Hamilton with 100 runs done, excellent. Also 25 for Ching Lui (SPT) – nice.
And of course 500 parkrun milestone reached by me – thanks to those of you who made a special effort to come because of that.


Adam Hudson (GS) -and mighty close to the course record, Malachai Barnet (SPT), Keiran Pate (CCR), Guy Hammett (SA), Michaela Strivens (GS), Paul Darby (CCR), Ching Lui (SPT), Elkanah Arthur (CCR), Nike Evanson (HTW), and Harriet Yung (CCR) – well done all.

First Timers

Apryl Hammett (SA) see the link to her event report below, Phil Longster (CJC), Matthew Hamilton (SBC), Sean Olivier (CCR), Daniel Sherwood (SPT) then Ayo & Daniel Abiodun, Caris Nott (GS) Hsin-I Chien & Chris Gunns (CCR) all first ever parkrun – welcome to you all.

View Apryl’s parkrun report here