Category Archives: Event Reports


Lloyd Inter-Church Mob Match (May 2016)

Thank you all so much for coming, 15 ran for Chiltern, 8 for Good Shepherd, 2 for New Creation Church London, 8 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 17 for Emmanuel, 24 for St Patrick’s Tigers, 1 for Christ Church Purley, 2 for Cheam Baptist Church, 9 for Springfield, 3 for Croydon Vineyard, 7 for the Salvation Army and 26 for Selsdon Baptist – 122 runners in total!


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Bushy Inter-Church Mob Match (Mar 2016)

Thank you all so much for coming: 10 ran for Chiltern, 7 for Good Shepherd, 11 for St Patrick’s, 9 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 3 for Emmanuel, 6 for Refresh and 11 for Selsdon Baptist – 57 runners in total.

Our last Bushy mob match was the last ever running of that particular course at Bushy – the new course is rather nice, and maybe rather quick!

In all 1060 people ran Bushy parkrun that day, and we were spread from position 8 to position 1054!

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The ‘Riddlesdown’ that wasn’t – Virtual

Having realised we had to cancel our Riddlesdown mob match over health and safety concerns (raised quite rightly by Emmanuel Runners) at putting an extra 50-70 runners onto a very muddy and slippery course we didn’t want to miss out completely – so we decided to switch to a virtual mob match instead.

We realise this gave the non-London clubs very little time to react as we had not advertised Riddlesdown nationally, apologies. Just to even things out we will run Riddlesdown in September, but also run a national virtual, rebranded as the churchrunner National Mob Match the same day – September 10th, feel free to put it in your diaries now.

In total there were 143 runners, across 41 parkruns (actually more than the last virtual) running for 18 Christian running groups/churches.

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Nonsuch Mob Match (Nov 2015)

Thank you all so much for coming, 15 ran for Chiltern, 21 for Good Shepherd, 1 for Sutton Christian Centre, 6 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 1 for Emmanuel, 19 for St Patrick’s, 1 for Springfield, 19 for the Salvation Army, 1 for Refresh (Molesey) Church, 4 for Sutton Vineyard, 2 for New Creation Church London, and 7 for Selsdon Baptist  – 93 runners in total, and from 12 different Churches.

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Virtual Mob Match (Sep 2015)

Our second ever virtual mob match, and this year we simplified the format a bit, so there was only one weekend to count runners from – this made for a smaller affair, but less cross-referencing trying to make sure we had picked the fastest time for each available runner. Despite this, we have still managed to be late with the results and report – apologies for that, ‘technical problems’.

In total there were 115 runners, across 33 parkruns (actually more than last time) running for 15 Christian running groups/churches – also we had our first ever international element to one of our mob matches, but I’ll come on to that shortly.

Obviously none of this would be possible without parkrun – so a big thank you to them.

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Roundshaw Mob Match (July 2015)

Thank you all so much for coming, 59 ran for Chiltern, 15 for Good Shepherd, 2 for Sutton Christian Centre, 10 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 13 for Emmanuel, 9 for St Patrick’s, 11 for Springfield, 5 for the Salvation Army, 1 each for Old Lodge Lane Baptist & Refresh (Molesey) Church and 23 for Selsdon Baptist – 149 runners in total. The Roundshaw attendance record was previously 201 – set when we did our last mob match there, but was pushed up to a massive 256, amazing numbers, and we seem to be making a habit of it.


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