
Bushy Inter-Church Mob Match (Mar 2018)

Thank you all so much for coming,  16 ran for Chiltern,  4 for Good Shepherd, 6 for St Patrick’s, 3 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 3 for Refresh , 1 for Springfield Springers and 7 for Selsdon Baptist  39 – runners in total.

A return ‘home’ for Nick White of Springfield Springers who has 261 Bushy parkruns now starting there in 2007!

In all 1146  people ran Bushy parkrun that day, and we were spread from position 9 to position 1124!

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Running in Faith – the National Virtual Mob Match 2018

Another January National, and it looks like we got a good turnout– but the weather meant some parkruns were shut for health and safety reasons – bad luck for last year’s winners Christian Runners UK, as that was often in the North – impacting on their numbers.

Nice to see several new Churches in the results – and even on the podium.

In total there were 170 runners (50 up on last year), across 57 parkruns (nearly double last year) running for Christian running groups/churches.

Obviously none of this would be possible without parkrun – so a big thank you to them.
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Nonsuch Inter-Church Mob Match (Nov 2017)

Brilliant to see you all, 27 ran for Chiltern, 16 for Good Shepherd, 15 for Croydon Vineyard, 14 for Sutton Vineyard, 1 for Carshalton Beeches Baptist (first time with us – welcome), 4 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 1 for Emmanuel, 10 for St Patrick’s, 1 for Springfield, 4 for the Salvation Army, 6 for Selsdon Baptist  & 3 for Cheam Baptist – 102 runners in total, and from 12 different Churches.


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Holy Trinity Hastings

HTH Runners (Holy Trinity Hastings) has got off to a really good start!

A few weeks ago we started a weekly Monday evening get-together in the park – there were 7 of us the first week, 16 the second, and 18 this week! Originally we thought we’d just trial it over the summer – we weren’t sure anyone would actually be interested! – so we’ve been really pleased with the turnout and feedback. It’s so encouraging to see people with all levels of running ability / experience enjoying the evening together.

Then, last Saturday 19th we had our first group outing to the Hastings parkrun – 14 took part on the day, including 3 parkrun first-timers.

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– we celebrated the occasion with cake afterwards 🙂

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If you are down that way look out for the HTH t shirts and say Hi!


Lloyd Inter-Church Mob Match (May 2017)

Brilliant to see you all, 22 ran for Chiltern Church Runners, 10 for Good Shepherd, 6 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 18 for Emmanuel, 14 for St Patrick’s, 3 for Springfield, 5 for the Salvation Army, 2 for New Creation Church London, 12 for Croydon Vineyard, 3 for the Springfield Church Springers and 32 for Selsdon Baptist, –  124 runners in total – 2 up from last year, and from 10 different churches.

We were spread from position 1 to position 345. Once again we helped Lloyd break their attendance record – 350 now, up from 317 set at last year’s mob match!


Also as ever we had a great welcome from Debra and her volunteer team (thanks to all).

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