
Roundshaw Mob Match (July 2015)

Thank you all so much for coming, 59 ran for Chiltern, 15 for Good Shepherd, 2 for Sutton Christian Centre, 10 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 13 for Emmanuel, 9 for St Patrick’s, 11 for Springfield, 5 for the Salvation Army, 1 each for Old Lodge Lane Baptist & Refresh (Molesey) Church and 23 for Selsdon Baptist – 149 runners in total. The Roundshaw attendance record was previously 201 – set when we did our last mob match there, but was pushed up to a massive 256, amazing numbers, and we seem to be making a habit of it.


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Roundshaw Comes Around

Roundshaw comes around…

Two mob matches down, three to go, but the very next is Roundshaw on July 18th. As ever we coincide with the Roundshaw Anniversary (6th Year) so there should be a bring and share picnic after. Our expected presence was mentioned only this week. There is a rumour we may be running the course in reverse, as yet unconfirmed.

Last year we broke the course record, be great to do it again!

It will also be the second ‘Walkers Welcome Week’ at Roundshaw, so bring those who only want to stroll by all means, up to 1 hour 20 is fine, very doable for just over 3 miles. Register on the parkrun website and bring your barcode in the usual way for those folks though please.

We look forward to seeing lots of you, and maybe even some new club colours.


Jubilee 10k


The Jubilee Running 10K is being organised by Croydon Jubilee Church to promote the church in general (including its ministries) and to bring the community together for a fun and sociable event.  Not forgetting the fitness element, of course.  Proceeds from the race will be split between the work of the church and the British Heart Foundation.

It is taking place on Sunday 26 July 2015, starting at 9.30 am.  Details of the run are included on the following web page:


For those wishing to take part, entry forms are downloadable from the website.  On-line entry is currently available via the event website, Runner’s World and very shortly via runbritain too.  The maximum field for the event is 150 runners and walkers.

Many thanks and God bless!


Faith and Fitness

Attention all walkers and runners in the Cheltenham/Gloucester area!  Faith & Fitness meets every Monday evening at 6:30pm at St Andrew’s in Churchdown.  Open to all ages, ALL abilities, all denominations (please invite your friends that might be interested), the cost is free. 


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