All posts by Tim G.


Nonsuch Inter-Church Mob Match (Nov 2017)

Brilliant to see you all, 27 ran for Chiltern, 16 for Good Shepherd, 15 for Croydon Vineyard, 14 for Sutton Vineyard, 1 for Carshalton Beeches Baptist (first time with us – welcome), 4 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 1 for Emmanuel, 10 for St Patrick’s, 1 for Springfield, 4 for the Salvation Army, 6 for Selsdon Baptist  & 3 for Cheam Baptist – 102 runners in total, and from 12 different Churches.


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Holy Trinity Hastings

HTH Runners (Holy Trinity Hastings) has got off to a really good start!

A few weeks ago we started a weekly Monday evening get-together in the park – there were 7 of us the first week, 16 the second, and 18 this week! Originally we thought we’d just trial it over the summer – we weren’t sure anyone would actually be interested! – so we’ve been really pleased with the turnout and feedback. It’s so encouraging to see people with all levels of running ability / experience enjoying the evening together.

Then, last Saturday 19th we had our first group outing to the Hastings parkrun – 14 took part on the day, including 3 parkrun first-timers.

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– we celebrated the occasion with cake afterwards 🙂

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If you are down that way look out for the HTH t shirts and say Hi!


Lloyd Inter-Church Mob Match (May 2017)

Brilliant to see you all, 22 ran for Chiltern Church Runners, 10 for Good Shepherd, 6 for Holy Trinity Church Wallington, 18 for Emmanuel, 14 for St Patrick’s, 3 for Springfield, 5 for the Salvation Army, 2 for New Creation Church London, 12 for Croydon Vineyard, 3 for the Springfield Church Springers and 32 for Selsdon Baptist, –  124 runners in total – 2 up from last year, and from 10 different churches.

We were spread from position 1 to position 345. Once again we helped Lloyd break their attendance record – 350 now, up from 317 set at last year’s mob match!


Also as ever we had a great welcome from Debra and her volunteer team (thanks to all).

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The Tourist Weekend

On 18th March we have a ‘not a mob match’ which is us trying out a new idea; a ‘Tourist event’. Basically we’d like to encourage you to try a new parkrun, either solo, or in a group, and send us in a photo or a little ‘report’. It’s a chance to fly the flag for your club somewhere else, and have some fun with a new location at the same time. You could even meet up with another club.
So for example here’s one I prepared earlier;

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Running in Faith – the National Virtual Mob Match

Well this was the first time we’d moved the inter church ‘mob match’, in a deliberate way, to January, it looks like we got a few new year’s resolution runners – but the icy weather meant some parkruns were shut for health and safety reasons.

In total there were 120 runners, across  29 parkruns running for Christian running groups/churches.

Obviously none of this would be possible without parkrun – so a big thank you to them.

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